Thursday, May 8, 2014

Great Expectations

Tonight marked the first meeting of the ILC's 2014 UPenn cohort. Our chosen location for this auspicious rendezvous was the charming Zachary's Pizza on Solano. We got to meet our chaperone, John Hillyer, (who is very cool!) and we went over the ground rules and itinerary for the trip.

Having now met the entire cohort, I am so excited by the prospect traveling and studying with them this summer. I am also ecstatic about our imminent visits to Washington D.C. and New York City. Locations we'll be visiting there that are of particular interest to me are: the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam War Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Smithsonian and Columbia University... basically, everything! (I'm so excited! Have I mentioned how excited I am yet? I feel like I should mention it a bit more.) But I'm getting ahead of myself -- let's talk about the dinner itself. First of all, pizza. I love pizza. Pizza is amazing. In my opinion, pizza ranks high on the list of humanity's greatest inventions. I am also a fan of iced tea, which was my beverage of choice tonight.

The cohort, and our pizza.

Meeting the entire cohort and chaperone has made this endeavor seem so much more real. Now that I know everyone’s names and faces, instead of just their email addresses, its finally sunk in that I am actually participating in this program.

In all seriousness, though, we are going to the Smithsonian! and the Vietnam War memorial! I cannot possibly express my excitement about these things through the medium of a humble blog post.

All in all, this was a lovely and informative experience. I look forward to getting to know my colleagues more before our imminent departure.

1 comment:

  1. You’re all pretty cruel. You post a photo with not one--but two--beautiful pizza pies in the foreground as if that wouldn’t affect your readers? Fat chance.

    I have my own leftover KFC warming up in the nuclear oven but as I’m thinking about it my thoughts keep coming back to those two pies.
